
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Jack与您分享:

Lv 7
Interchange 2


First, I'd like to say thank you to my teacher JP. He did do a lot of things for me, like correcting my grammar mistakes and some wrong pronunciation. My spoken English is becoming better and better, and I think I can learn more knowledge from my teacher. He is a humorous person, and I like him very much. I really like the daily topic part. In that part, I can learn some culture of America and the Philippines and I can tell something about China to him, too.

Study Manager点评

I think Jack is an industrious student with great talent in study. He often takes an active part in discussing our daily topic and learning the textbook Interchange2 with our teachers. From the recording of his class, i could feel that he enjoyed very much sharing his ideas and thoughts with the guide of his teacher. He is initiative in learning the textbook, always ready to ask questions , thus he is able to accumulate new words and expressions everyday. In discussing the daily topic, he manage to learn knowledge from our teacher and improve his ability in speaking english. Admittedly, he sometimes would make grammar lapses and commit wrong usage of words. But i believe he will make more progress on that and his expressions would flow smoothly. Best wishes to him!


Jack always puts a smile on my face and happiness in my heart! Every single session was never a dull moment. I can see the noticeable communication improvements that Jack had been showing for the past few months, and talking with him really paid off! Besides sharing wonderful ideas about the lessons and the topics, he can integrate correct communication patterns. What I like best about Jack is that even though he commits some communication slips, he never stops sharing his ideas. He's such an ideal student, I hope to know more from him!