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Lv 8
Pass Cambridge BEC preliminary(3rd Edition)


It’s pretty hard for me to learn English continuously because I have a busy job and there is a little boy I need to take care with all my heart and soul. Some people like me are not supposed to learn any courses any more. But the attraction of English is too strong for me. I’m really grateful for my teachers, Romeo, Lizzy, Hayden and my managers, Jessie, Abby who give me long-term support. They encouraged me to overcame difficulties and keep my motivation to study. I feel greatly honored and being very pleased that I never give up. Now I know definitely that my English study has improved. I’m still moving forward. I enjoy such a busy life.

Study Manager点评

Through I have been as his study manager not very long, I'm surprised to notice that he made a big prograss in Spoken English when I listened to his records.
He is eager to share his ideas with his teacher in the class, for which I can feel his passion for English. His confidence become stronger and stonger with every step along the way.
In the future, I believe he can do better and better if he keeps on practicing.
He is very busy both for his work and family, but he can spare some time to study, which is admirable for all of us.
I'm sure he is a hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.


Since he started to study English in my class he has shown his passion to learn and to be equipped with those skills in English.
His confidence in speaking has improved a lot and his manner of reasoning is quite good.
He can respond or answer questions from simple to difficult ones. I have also noticed that he always devotes his time in the class,
despite of his busy schedule at work. In the class, he never shows passive performance rather exceptional performance.
What I like most about him as a student he welcomes and accepts feedbacks and ideas from me and he is also attentive to most of the instructions and tips that I have given to him,
that's why he always achieves commendable performance and outstanding performance results of his studies.