
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Amy与您分享:

Lv 7
Interchange 3


Spiker English is different from other English training program,it makes me convenient that I could take my causes in home or other places everyday.Many kind of topics makes my mind broaden and know a lot of Enlish expression in it.

I really want to appreciate my Enlish teacher-Kristine.I could remember I was too shy to spoke to Kristine in my first class.It hard to believe I'm enjoy the 20 minutes everyday while speak to my teacher,Thanks to her enthusiastic,she know how to create the atmosphere during speak to me.Thanks to her teacher skill and responsible,With her help,I set up a bit of confidence in oral-enlish.

Meanwhile, I also appreciate Jessica. She's very kindful .Whenever I asked her some quesions even not relate to my classes,she will try her best to solve my problem as well.

Thanks Spiker Enlish to let me feel interesing in Enlish again.

Study Manager点评

Congratulation! Amy!
Amy is really a good student.Always,she is positive in our course.Her way of expressing herself improved a lot. Because she try her best to prepare for each class and express herself in a proper way. I think that's the reason why she can made so great progress now.
Keep on trying, and you'll make greater progress!


I am proud of you!
I can say that you are really eager to improve your communication skills in English.
I have seen the way you express yourself in a different perspectives.
Great effort speaking up in our everyday classes!
Keep up the good work!
Always remember, "Action is the foundational key to all success".
I know you can do evertyhthing as long as your enjoying it and your heart is in it!