
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Andy与您分享:

Lv 6
Interchange (Intro)


因工作的特殊性,基本上没有多少时间学习英语,所以选择了必克教学方式(25Min/D), 无论多忙都会抽时间与Helen老师进行英语学习,期间总是很轻松、愉快、开心的和helen老师用英语交流,所以总是觉得时间过得很快!英语也慢慢的进步!感谢Helen老师、感谢Coral老师、感谢必克!

Study Manager点评

I'm not surprise at all that he has won this prize, it belongs to him for his hard study and extraordinary courage. At first,He was a little worried that he was unable to follow up the class, He just gave himself the last time to learn English. The truth is that, he's made an obvious improvement through 5 months study in Spiiker. Now he can talk with foreign teachers and further his oral English in the coming days. He is surely to make it.


I have to stress that Andy is so qualified to get the prize for him.
When he first began his class, he showed his great interest in English. Every time I share my ways to improve English, he would like to keep in mind, and follow my advice, then do practice about it. That’s why he can improve a lot within short time. He has very wide and deep and complete thought which are expressed nearly perfect in his speaking. Now he can speak English more and more stable and relaxed and naturally. Excellent! Even though there are still some grammar mistakes in his statement, he is trying to correct them. Keep it up!