
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员kate与您分享:

Lv 7
Passages 4

Study Manager点评

I’m so glad to know that Kate got such high marks in the IELTS, especially in the speaking. To the best of my knowledge, Kate is a very diligent student. Her presence in all classes proved her eagerness for knowledge. She has an internal drive to learn and therefore has been highly successful in the courses she has taken. In my mind, Kate is sincere and perseverant, always adhering to high standards. Congratulations on you!!!


Kate is polite and smart. Every time we are having a class she always surprises me with her answer. She listens attentive and follow my corrections and shows attentiveness in the class and do not have a problem understanding questions, stories, jokes, instructions and explanations. In addition, she can say what's on your mind without any serious difficulty. She is quick with her respond to most questions and gives accurate answers. She can follow the pace of the conversation with ease, regardless of subject matter, though occasional repetition may be necessary. Kate is all ears to my suggestion and opinions. She is always preparing for our lesson. She is very active in discussing different topics. She is also assertive in asking questions when a topic is not clear. Overall, she is opened minded and her effort was outstanding.