
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员summer与您分享:

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I'm so glad to hear that i get this award this month,i have been studying english in spiiker for more then ten months.To be honest,I am afraid of english ,and open my mouth to speak at first,even hate to answer the phone every night.But now,I am really love it.
Studying english is an insipid thing,day after in and day out,we did the same things,said the same sentences,you might feel that you began to be sick of it and want to give up,especially when you couldn't understand teacher's meaning and make the same mistakes all the time.i experienced this emotions and couldn't overcome it in a long time.so now,i really want to say thanks to my study manager and teacher.they always encouraged me,gave me suggestions,gave me confidence when i met problems.
So don't give up,in spiiker,you will learn more,don't be shame, don't be afraid of speaking,don't be afraid of making mistakes, don't be afraid of misunderstanding.believe yourself,you can.

Study Manager点评

Summer one of my favorite students, she keep writing mails to me everyday and asked me many things about English learning.I am so admired her persistence in studying and I am so proud to have her in my work.At first, she can’t speak well and pronounce in words and sentences, at least with the days passed and she hardworking, she can really speak a nice English tone.Though flaws might found within speech,her determination in provement would lead her to a higher ground.Keep going Summer, you are the best!


Summer has a clear purpose in learning English. She has a firm motivation to do better in the class. She is a girl who continuosly persevere to master the language.
Honestly speaking, her focus is valuable to her personal growth. Additionally, she is very perceptive and quite sensitive to the needs of the people around her.She deserves the blessings that come on her way because she really works hard.I'm so proud for the recognition you achieve. Kudos to your wonderful performance!